type of body and appearancehereditylength of body and weight of body 体型外貌
event by event analysis 逐事件分析
event by event fluctuation 逐事件起伏
event-by-event fluctuations 单事例起伏
body fully immersed body 完全浸水体
body height/standard body weight 硅烷氧基
body size and body weight 体征
body size body weight 体尺体重
body twisting force body twisting power 对讲机
deficiency transmitted from lower body to upper body 下损及上
deficiency transmitted from upper body to lower body 上损及下
foreign body around ciliary body 睫状体异物
geo-body and structural body 地质体与工程体
rigid body-flexible body coupled system 刚柔耦合系统
The body length and the body weight 体长与体重
treating diseases of the lower part of the body by needling points on the upper part of the body 下病上取
two-body force (=two-body interaction) 两体力
ultimobranchial body Suprapericardial body 后鳃体